Not a model? Guess what, neither are 99.9% of all brides. We are your film ambassadors. It's our job to worry about the details. For the most part, our one direction will be to "be happy" or "just be natural" but for all you brides who are wanting to prepare for the big day, here are some trade “secrets” and helpful tips to help you prepare for an amazing shoot...whether it be film or photo.
1. Stand up straight...this gives off a vibe of confidence. We definitely don't want you stalking around like a tin shoulder, but it never hurts to take a deep breath in, bring your shoulders back a bit and straighten up your neck. A lot of us naturally don't do this...good news, you feel good doing it. Keep it simple and don't be tense....just be mindful of your posture.
2. Keep it soft
-this is more for the eye candy poses we might ask you to do if there's time during the day. When posing with your significant other, you're going to want to avoid any "tenseness"...especially in the hands. Couples, Dallin and I included, are physical beings. When you hold hands, you feel love and excitement and manifest that, often, by squeezing the others hand or hugging tightly, or pulling someone close. This is great for everyday life, but when posing for an epic picture or beautiful sweeping shot, you may hear your photographer say something like "hold her hand softly," or gently touch his neck. We just want you to look relaxed, poised, and balanced. So, take a deep breath, relax, and just try to stay away from holding on to each other too tightly.
3. Don't be afraid to close your eyes
-throughout the day you will be doing a lot of smiling, so much in fact that when it comes time to smile sweetly at your one true love for just one more close up shot, you may feel a bit strained. Don't stress, Dallin and I are always asking our couples to take a moment, close their eyes and then open them. this moment of relaxation works. Your face and smile muscles will relax and appear as genuine as you feel. Think of it as a reset button....especially on those really sunny days! When you open them it's like a new beginning. You will not only feel but appear more relaxed, natural, and beautiful.
4. Be happy - Do whatever you can to achieve this! Weddings can be a stressful time. It's up to you, and us, to overcome that. It is our intent to not only capture the events of your big day, but also the one reason it's even happening...LOVE. So focus on that. Don't sweat the small stuff. Dallin and I will go above and beyond to help you. We've made bouquets for brides whose florist fell through, taken pictures when a photographer couldn't make it, we are here for you. Your wedding film is our top priority. Just remember throughout the day, when things might feel hectic, that this is your magical day! Take a deep breath, and be happy
5. Don’t Stress about your film
This is why you hired us! We know our craft and are 100% dedicated to creating a masterpiece for you. Remember, the best films are not “created” or “scripted.” The magic is in the moments and we are experts at seeing and capturing both the major moments and those special seconds that you hope to never forget. So just be yourself, enjoy the day, get excited for a film that will not disappoint, and trust us!